4 High-Tech Features You Need in a Heat Pump

Features You Need in a Heat Pump

When it’s time to upgrade your heat pump, you need a model with all the latest features for your Montgomery, Alabama, home. From two-stage compressors to variable-speed motors, discover the four high-tech features you need in your next heat pump.

Two-Stage Compressor

At Air Conditioning by Luquire, we know that you want to have total control over your indoor comfort. The Infinity 20 Heat Pump with Greenspeed offers just that, thanks to its two-stage compressor. This feature enables the system to alternate between operating at full speed or at a lower speed, providing you with exactly the cooling power you need.

Variable-Speed Motor

If you’re tired of feeling chilly drafts each time your HVAC system kicks on, look for a heat pump with a variable-speed motor. This feature keeps the air flowing at a comfortable speed throughout the day. With a variable-speed compressor, you won’t feel those cold drafts, and your system will run as efficiently as possible.

Quiet Operation

Whether you’re inside or outside, you don’t want to have to listen to your heat pump run. Loud systems can create constant noise in the house, disrupt a morning coffee out on the deck, or even drown out an afternoon barbecue in the backyard. Instead, look for a model with a compressor sound blanket that helps it operate as quietly and discreetly as possible.

High SEER Rating

It doesn’t matter if you’re eco-conscious or you just want to save money. We know you need the most efficient heat pump possible. Our Infinity 20 Heat Pump has a seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER) rating of up to 20.5 and a heating season performance ratio (HSPF) rating of up to 13, so this system is incredibly efficient no matter the season.

Whether you’re ready to take the plunge with a new heat pump or you’re still weighing your options, we’re here to help. Call the team at Air Conditioning by Luquire for all your HVAC system needs at 334-230-5870.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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