3 Liquids That Don’t Belong in the Drain

clogged sink repair

Your Montgomery, Alabama, home would not be the same without working plumbing. To keep those pipes in good shape, you should avoid pouring certain liquids down the drain. Liquids like paints, greases, and cleaning agents do more harm than good to your plumbing, and cause clogs and other issues you’ll need a plumber to fix.


Your garbage disposal is an amazing thing, but it is not equipped to handle grease. Restaurants that put grease down the drain have special grease traps, and unless you have one of these, grease needs to go in the trash can. Grease collects insides of pipes, causing small clogs and big sewer backups. Let the grease cool on your pans and plates, then scrape it into the trash.


The most paint you can safely wash down your drain is the amount that comes out of your paintbrush when you wash it. Otherwise, latex and oil paint needs to be dried out and thrown away. It’s a pretty simple process; you can get a drying agent and dump it in the cans, then toss them.

Chemical Cleaners

Your bathtub is clogged, and your impulse is to reach for the chemical drain cleaner. No matter how well they might have worked for you in the past, stop using chemical drain cleaners. Often, they only partially break up the clog, leaving you with a drain that works for now but that will quit again soon. Some of them slowly eat away at your pipes while they sit in there. Plus, these chemicals are truly terrible for the environment.

Your plumbing can handle a lot, but it can’t handle everything. Change a few simple habits and enjoy fewer plumbing mishaps in your home. Air Conditioning by Luquire will handle any plumbing issues you have, even if the problems are because you made a mistake and poured a bunch of something bad down the drain. Call us at 334-230-5870.

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