Energy Efficient Ideas from Your Heating Contractor in Montgomery AL

As a home or business owner in Montgomery AL, you might be seeking new energy efficient solutions to reduce your utility costs and boost your environmental friendliness. AC by Luquire is a heating contractors offer professional advice for home improvement projects, products and services that can improve energy efficiency and provide you with many other benefits as well. Consider these ideas from our heating contractors for improving energy efficiency.

Home and Building Improvements

Making energy efficient home or building improvements can significantly decrease your utility costs and increase the lifespan of your heating system. Consider these common cost effective improvement projects:


Use caulk or weather stripping to seal drafty areas around door and window frames. Sealing these areas prevents unwanted heat exchange with the cold outdoors during the winter months.


One way to reduce heat loss to the outdoors is by adding insulation to the walls, attic and basement or crawl space of your home. There are many types of insulation and each has its own benefits when it comes to energy efficiency.

Replacing Windows

Replacing the windows of a home or building is not inexpensive but it can save hundreds of dollars on energy costs each year. Adding thermal blinds or curtains or using plastic insulating sheaths during the winter months can reduce the exchange of air with the outdoors if window replacement is not in the budget.

Energy Efficient Products

Look for Energy Star rated products when it's time to replace your heating and air conditioning system. These products offer superior energy efficiency. Today’s newest furnaces offer up to 98.6 percent AFUE while the newest heat pumps and air conditioners have SEER ratings that begin at 14. These new systems could decrease the amount of energy needed for heating or cooling your home or business by 30 percent or more.

Services That Improve Energy Efficiency

As your local heating contractors, we offer services that will improve the energy efficiency of your home or building.

These services include:

Preventive Maintenance
Cleaning and lubrication of your furnace, heat pump or air conditioner can boost the system’s energy efficiency by 10 percent or more.

Air Filter Replacement

A dirty air filter can cause your heating system to consume 5 to 15 percent more energy than a system with a clean air filter. We will clean or replace your air filter and you can enjoy the benefits of lower utility bills.

At AC by Luquire, we are proud to serve as your heating contractor in Montgomery AL. We have built a solid reputation throughout the Montgomery AL metropolitan area for offering our residential and commercial customers energy efficient ideas that are cost effective and environmentally friendly. As your local heating contractors, we offer all the services that you need to maintain a comfortable indoor environment. From preventive maintenance to repairs and installation of new heating and cooling products, our heating contractor in Montgomery AL can do it all. When you need energy efficient ideas from proven experts, our service technicians look forward to assisting you.

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