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Plumbing Issues That Can Lead to a Major Disaster

Plumbing Issue

Keeping the plumbing functioning in your Montgomery, Alabama, home is crucial for the comfort of your family members and guests. That’s why taking care of a plumbing problem right away is imperative. Don’t start the new year off by neglecting your plumbing system. Here are four plumbing issues you should never ignore:

Clogged Toilet

Everyone will have a toilet clog sometime in their life. Failing to address this issue right away can not only lead to your inability to use the facilities. It can also cause dirty water to overflow into your home. As a result, it can damage flooring, baseboards and walls. Even worse, it can become a serious health hazard. If using a plunger doesn’t work, contact a professional plumber who will probably need to snake out your lines.

Burst Pipes

Burst pipes can occur for a number of reasons, including roots growing through the lines, unseasonable cold snaps and aging. No matter what causes your pipes to burst, it’s crucial to address the problem immediately. A delayed response can lead to:

  • Major water damage.
  • Reduced water pressure.
  • Contaminated water supply.

Low Water Pressure

If you notice a significant drop in the water pressure in your shower or faucets, contact a plumbing company to check the integrity of your pipes. While a short spurt of low water could be a small concern with the city water supply, a major drop could indicate a burst pipe or leak.

Clogged Drains

Clogged drains can be a sign of buildup in your system, damaged pipes, clogged traps or even roots in the lines. If your drains are consistently slow, you should contact a plumber before it results in a full stoppage.

If you have any of the plumbing problems listed above, don’t wait for it to turn into a major concern. Contact Air Conditioning by Luquire today to schedule an appointment.

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