The plumbing system in your Montgomery, Alabama, home is constantly working to assure your comfort and quality of life. Plumbing problems can happen any time, and they can quickly cause a lot of damage. If you discover any of these three plumbing problems in your home, your plumbing system needs professional attention:
Broken Pipe
A broken pipe can cause massive damage to every part of your home, including the ceilings, flooring, drywall and cabinets. In Montgomery, pipes most often break because of rust and corrosion. Rarely, cold weather may cause a pipe to burst. Sometimes, the settling of your home’s foundation can cause a pipe to crack. This plumbing problem requires prompt attention from a professional.
Clogged Drain
Montgomery’s beautiful trees provide shade from the summer sunshine, but they can also get into your sewer line and clog it. A clogged sewer drain could result in raw sewage backing up into your home. Clogged sinks, bathtubs and laundry drains put a lot of pressure on the pipe. The excess pressure could crack the pipe. If a plunger won’t release the clog, it’s time to call a plumber.
Low Water Pressure
Low water pressure often means that there’s a leak somewhere. A leaking water supply line is a common source of low water pressure. It’s also possible that you have a leaky outdoor fixture. Low water pressure from just one fixture in your home could mean that the aerator has a sediment buildup. If cleaning the aerator with vinegar doesn’t restore proper water pressure, or if all of your faucets suffer from low pressure, you need a plumber. Leak detection services may be needed to find the problem.
All of these plumbing problems impact your quality of life. If left untreated, these plumbing problems could cause microbial growth and structural damage to your home. No matter what type of plumbing problem you have, our team at Air Conditioning by Luquire is ready to fix it. Contact us today for expert plumbing repair service.
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