Ready to Upgrade your AC for the Summer Season?

A hot summer in Millbrook AL can be miserable with an inefficient air conditioning unit. If you’ve had trouble keeping your home cool in recent years, you may be thinking about the possibility of new equipment. The efficiency levels are increasing each year in air conditioning units, making it possible to ensure excellent cooling and lower energy bills.

Considerations Before You Upgrade Your AC

An air conditioning upgrade isn’t a typical DIY project, and it’s important to work with an HVAC professional for many reasons. Some of these include:

  • Insurance and warranty problems that could arise with incorrect or unqualified installation
  • Safety in electrical connections
  • Selection of an appropriate system based on a professional load calculation
  • Understanding alternatives such as heat pumps and hybrid HVAC systems
  • Importance of upgrading both indoor and outdoor components of your air conditioning system

Without the assistance of a professional, you may create more problems than you solve when you upgrade your AC. An expert can help you evaluate the options so that you are able to select an efficient unit that fits your budget. He can also help you explore financial incentives like federal tax credits and manufacturer rebates.

Considering Different Cooling Systems

While many in the region select new air conditioners, others appreciate the possibility of streamlining household systems by combining heating and cooling into one unit. When you upgrade your AC, it’s helpful to think about a heat pump. This unit works much like an air conditioner, using refrigerant to create a heat exchange that moderates temperatures in your home. A heat pump provides efficient heating in our mild winter climate and effective cooling during our sticky summer months.

Households with access to gas for heating can benefit from a dual fuel system. A heat pump provides effective cooling and heating, and on rare occasions when winter temperatures dip to freezing levels, the gas furnace takes over heating responsibilities.

Some of our customers find that ductless mini systems provide helpful options for efficient cooling and heating. Operating with an outdoor heat pump, this type of system connects to individual room units through refrigerant lines and electrical wiring. Your ducts can account for as much as 40 percent energy loss, contributing significantly to your energy bills. Elimination of ducts can make a huge difference in your household expenses. Additionally, the ability to control room temperatures independently can save a huge amount on energy use and related expenses.

Preventative Maintenance for your AC Upgrade

Your equipment will experience wear from the moment it is placed into service. We recommend preventive maintenance so that simple issues can be identified and fixed before they become serious. Proper refrigerant levels, for example, are essential to efficient cooling. An annual check for an AC unit is important so that you are assured of optimum cooling during the summer. Heat pumps use refrigerant in the heating process as well, and semi-annual maintenance is recommended. As a Carrier Factory Authorized Dealer, we provide expert service to keep your home comfortable. You can contact us at AC by Luquire to schedule your maintenance or to learn about installation packages.

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