Thinking About Upgrading Your Heat Pump. Here is What You Need To Know.

While Montgomery residents are lucky to have enjoyable weather for most of the year, winters still get cold with average temperatures hovering just barely above freezing and cold snaps that bring lows as low as the record low of -5 degrees. Because Montgomery homes are optimized for staying cool during the longer warm-weather season and many have combined heating and cooling systems that are less efficient than dedicated heating systems, heating bills during the colder months put a dent in local budgets. If you’re looking for heating savings that will leave room in your budget for winter fun, try the following steps.

Install a Programmable Thermostat

You know that cranking up the heat will increase your heating bills, but you may still shudder thinking about childhoods spent bundled up in sweaters inside of a chilly home. You don’t need to abandon your comfort to save money. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, turning your thermostat down by 10 to 15 degrees for just eight hours per day can cut your heating bill by 10 to 15 percent. This can be while everyone is away at work or school or at night when you’re asleep. Use a programmable thermostat to keep you from forgetting to lower the thermostat and to have your home comfortable when you return.

Be Smart With Holiday Lights

Decorating your home for the holidays is fun for the whole family and brightens the entire neighborhood, so we’ll never tell you not to use holiday lights. If you really want to show off with the best and brightest display, go for it. Just remember to look for efficient LED lights when you need new ones, and put your lights on a timer so they aren’t on all night.

Eliminate Air Leaks

Cold drafts don’t have to be part of your holiday traditions. Drafts are a symptom of air leaks in your home that can easily be eliminated at minimal cost. Most drafts can be stopped by adding caulk to your windows and replacing the weatherstripping around your doors. Other common places you may want to plug are gaps around pipe fixtures, the openings for window or wall-mounted air conditioners, and unfinished areas behind cupboards and closets.

Schedule a Heating System Tuneup

If you never took your car for an oil change, it would start to become sluggish and wear out faster. Your heating system is no different. Even a little dust covering its heating elements can greatly reduce its efficiency and increase your operating costs. Schedule a tuneup before cold weather arrives to make sure your system is cleaned, properly calibrated, and in good shape to last you through the entire season.

If you need help cutting your heating costs for this year and into the future, contact the HVAC experts at Air Conditioning by Luquire. We’ve been keeping Montgomery comfortable since 1983.

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