3 Tips to Extend the Life of Your Furnace

Extend the Life of Your Furnace

Your furnace is the key to comfort during the relatively mild yet often chilly winters in Montgomery, Alabama. Fortunately, you don’t have to worry about that if your furnace is performing in tip-top condition. To extend your furnace’s heating capabilities well into the future, take these simple steps and enlist the help of an HVAC professional.

Change the Filter

While a filter’s foremost purpose is to clean the impurities from the air and provide exceptional indoor air quality, changing yours regularly will reduce wear and tear on your system. Clogged and dirty filters make it harder for the heating system to force air through it. By replacing your furnace filter every 30 to 90 days, it’ll only perform a fraction of the work.

Get a Tuneup

Like changing the oil in your car, heating systems only perform well if they receive regular maintenance. During a tuneup, we’ll inspect every aspect of the unit from the blower and electrical components to the fuel source. Once we’re done taking care of the heavy lifting, your furnace will offer heat that gives you a chance to turn your home into a warm, inviting living space.

Upgrade the Thermostat

If your home has an outdated analog thermostat, you might consider upgrading to a programmable or smart thermostat. Older thermostats don’t have the precision of these technologically advanced models. As a result, your furnace has to work harder to provide the temperature you want, and often it works overtime because the temperature isn’t accurate.

Prolonging the life of your heating system is an important step in protecting your investment. If your HVAC system needs a tuneup, call Air Conditioning by Luquire today at 334-230-5870. Our certified service technicians are standing by to take your call and help your heating system last for years to come.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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