Maintaining healthy indoor air quality (IAQ) in your Montgomery, Alabama, home has become more urgent than ever before. Poor IAQ can not only trigger allergy symptoms but also cause severe respiratory problems like asthma. The first step to improving poor indoor air quality in your home is identifying issues that could be responsible for it. Here are some common IAQ issues that you’ll want to address if someone in your home suffers from asthma symptoms:
Pollen is a notorious trigger for asthma and allergies. While you may think that staying indoors is the best way to keep pollen out of your airways, it can easily enter your home through poor seals or insulation. You can also track it inside on clothes and shoes. If pollen affects your IAQ, consider having your seals and insulation inspected. You might also want to invest in an indoor air purifier that has a HEPA filter.
Pet Dander
Your pets are part of the family. Unfortunately, the fur and dander they leave around your home can lead to worsening asthma symptoms. If you share your home with pets, groom them and make sure to clean your home on a regular basis. As a result, you’ll reduce the fur and dander buildup in your home.
Chemicals commonly found in many household products can also lead to poor IAQ. Fire-retardant chemicals such as polybrominated biphenyl and polychlorinated biphenyl are found in many items in your home. Polyurethane is a chemical commonly found on wood furniture, wooden floors and even inside of mattresses. And this chemical is a respiratory toxin. The best way to prevent these chemicals from triggering breathing problems is to choose green household and building products containing fewer synthetic chemicals whenever possible.
Cigarette Smoke
Cigarette smoke contains up to 200 different toxic compounds that enter your home’s air when someone smokes. It’s always best to keep smoking confined to the outdoors. But if tobacco smoke frequently makes its way into your home, consider investing in an air purifier.
Biological Growth
Biological growth can occur in your home when you don’t resolve moisture buildup or water damage. When biological growth forms in your home, it releases spores into the air you breathe. These spores may be microscopic, but they can lead to a number of respiratory problems. You can reduce your risk of biological growth in your home by maintaining proper humidity and cleaning water damage right away.
Household Cleaning Products
Cleaning your home is essential for controlling dust and pet dander. It’s also important for preventing biological growth from developing on surfaces. Unfortunately, many cleaning products can release volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the air, worsening asthma symptoms and making it more difficult to breathe. Consider using more natural cleaning products with fewer VOCs and toxic substances.
Dust Mites
Dust mites are a common problem in every household. These microscopic pests feed on the dead skins cells that you shed into your bedding while you sleep. As their numbers grow, they can worsen respiratory symptoms and make asthma attacks more frequent. Luckily, you can keep dust mites in check by changing and laundering your bedding frequently.
Cockroaches are disturbing pests. That’s because the residue they leave behind is a major asthma trigger. Cockroaches breed in dark areas where they can hide and find a stable food source. Watch for cockroaches and have them exterminated if you find them. You can also reduce your risk of attracting them into your home by keeping your space clean and clutter-free.
Poor Ventilation
Another way to reduce the number of asthma triggers in your home is by ensuring that your home is properly ventilated. Poor ventilation can compound other IAQ issues as environmental toxins and irritants build up in your home’s air. With proper ventilation, you’ll remove stagnant air and replace it with fresh air. As a result, you’ll improve your indoor air quality and breathe easier at home.
Take steps to help your loved ones breathe a little easier by reducing the number of asthma triggers in your home. Improving your IAQ doen’t only help those in the household who suffer from asthma. It also helps reduce the chances of respiratory illness for all of your family members. Find out more on how to improve the IAQ in your home by contacting Air Conditioning by Luquire today.
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